Hello this time I will share tips for you all, especially those that are still a beginner in the blog world. To your new blog or even already have a blog, but you still have a blog like that, no increase in visitors as well as its ranking. for that I will share tips here on how to increase pagerank our blog. maybe one of them is to register your blog to search engines like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. then how do I register?

Well I will not dwell longer width or further ado. Just follow the steps below, because the tips below I show some links search engine registration to increase pagerank our blog.

The first link: Please list the URL for your blog here www.reddit.com and click button "Submit Link" on the right side.

* In the "title" insert: description of your blog and
* In the "url" enter: http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com
* Enter symbol under the "are you human?" question and click "submit" button.

Second link: register your blog at www.google.com/addurl and the URL box type: http://blogkamu.blogspot.com.

* In the "Comments" enter: "Description of your blog"
* Enter symbol under the word "Optional" and click "Add URL" button.

Third link: Now submit your web pages to the site bing.

* Open www.bing.com/webmaster/SubmitSitePage.aspx address and enter the symbol on the picture to "Pop" box.
* Then enter: "http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com" in the "Type the URL of the homepage to your computer."
* Then click on "Submit URL" button.

Link four: for surrender is scrubtheweb.com/addurl.html

* Input: "http://blogkamu.blogspot.com in the box "Send URL
* Enter your email address in the box "Email Address". This must be a valid email address because you will receive an email confirmation and you will need to confirm your shipment from within this email.

The fifth link: is the Yahoo site.

* Go to page: siteexplorer.search.yahoo.com/submit and click on "Submit Website or Web Page."
* Input: http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com and click "Submit URL" button.

Link to six: Another good site to submit is: www.entireweb.com/free_submission

* Input: http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com in the "URL" to add a box
* Enter your email address in the box "Email Address".

Links to seven: The site is popular Next searchsight.com/submit.htm

* Select "Category" and then fill in the "/ZIPPostal Code", "Country", and "Comments" box.
* Input: http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com in a box "Web Site URL" and enter "your email in the box" Email Address.
* Click "Submit" button.

Eighth link: other search engines is Cuil.

* Open web page: www.cuil.com/info/contact_us/feedback/crawl_me and enter your email address in the box "Your Email".
* Input: http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com in a box "Site URL.
* Click "www.cuil.com / info / contact_us / feedback / crawl_me" button.

Link Ninth: A good site to submit is: www.boingboing.net/suggest.html

* Fill in "name" you, "Email address" box.
* In the "Title for" item box enter: "Description of your blog"
* Input: http://URLblogkamu.blogspot.com the "suggest URL of the site" box.
* In the "Please describe the suggested site" box enter:

"Description of your blog"

* Click "Submit" button.